French Kiss : God of seduction


Company: CCCP

Release Date: 17th of October 2012

Genre: City Builder

Support: Facebook



Time spent on the project: 5 months


French Kiss is a City-builder, Facebook-based game in which the player embodies an apprentice of the Gods of seduction. The player has to date other characters and make up with them in order to raise his attraction power, create new buildings to attend new seduction activities, attract more people in his city, etc.

Game Design

During the production of French Kiss, I have working mainly on the balancing and economy. Through the development of an Excel spreadsheet, I have been able to design every numeric aspect of the game, test them through simulation tools and work on the main progression curve.

Writing and Translation

Along with my game design tasks, I have been in charge of writing most of the dialogues of the game, and translate the whole game in English.